I am posting here a copy of the email I sent out the night we discovered our
primary destination that morning.
Discovered base camp
Sunday Night 9:33 p.m.---9:33 a.m. Mississippi time
I cannot begin to describe to you the morning.
We were coming back from Can Tho, our guide said he and the driver now
knew the way to Tan Tru. 3 hours
later we were asking for directions. Look,
I knew how to get there. We went
over and stopped at two places with bridges.
I had indeed built a bridge at both places which were eventually replaced
by concrete bridges. Then an old man
said he knew of a bridge that Americans built that was still there.
Now as you view these pictures, any hardtop roads you see were dirt when I was
there...we called the material laterite or as some of us Southerners noted,
"The red clay of Georgia". You
will see just how wide/narrow the road was in the dirt road scene.
Those roads have not changed.
In this group of pictures, you will see me with a group
to townspeople. THEY WERE CHILDREN
original pictures and they began yelling for friends and pointing themselves out
in the pictures. They all remembered
us doing the bridge. When I get hole
and post the pictures on my website, you will see "then" and
"Now" The 287 foot bridge
is now concrete, mine was timber.
This bridge forever changed my life, gave me direction,
a goal. Revisiting it has had a tremendous impact me today at 61. I
wish I could describe the feeling so that you would understand just how I felt
when these people mobbed, hugged, kissed, held my hand.
You will also see a river. This is a
major tributary of the Mekong. From
here we launched our large rafts to carry APC's or the small ones to carry
infantry. You will see a picture
with a van on the road. This was a
large dirt, just plain dirt path. We
landed our helicopters here to load up and start an assault on a position.
You will also see a modern two story school following those river pictures.
This is a community college. It
is built on our base camp and the first one is exactly where my platoon's
positions were. We eventually took
matters into our own hands because every time a Chinook landed, it would lift
our ten man (GP MEDIUM TENTS) out of their stakes.
We traveled to where Mac Huddleston was stationed and stole corrugated
tin roofing from the supply point for our roof and got rid of the tents.
Unfortunately we were ordered by the battalion commander who saw the contraband
to steal some more and pass it out---we did---we were good at what we did.
You will see a tall memorial. This
is dedicated to the VC who died in the area.
This spot was where we held our POW's for transfer.
Keep in mind, whatever you see was all rice paddies and
dirt roads...all of it. This was a
hamlet of maybe a few hundred people, now it is a town with a modern school for
the surrounding students.
I hit the ceiling when we came to this American Bailey Bridge. Made of
structural aluminum, a squad can put on together like tinker toys in no
time. No nuts and bolts all pinned together and clamps. With me is
Tran "Tony" Traun, our guide and someone who was excited as I
was. My brother was shot in the area of this bridge in '67. I was
talking with him on the radio about 2 a.m. in the morning. His platoon and
a V.C. unit saw and open fired on each other about the same time.
Depending on the length of the bridge, you can add eight foot panels to
strengthen the bridge. For example, this is a double, double with two
panels side-by-side and two high. The largest you can go is a triple,
I could not find the two room school house we built a playground for, but
this gives you an idea. The teacher is wearing a "ao dai"
traditional dress, very comely for the right person-and she was. |
This is today's modern elementary school house about a quarter mile from
the one on left. |
Me, circa 1966-67 |
Me, late June 2008 on the bridge that changed my stars. |
A little blurry, but before we built the bridge, we put APC's on a light
tactical raft and pulled them across the river.

I am
haunted by little from the war. But, one thing I do think about are all
these graves scattered throughout rice paddies. We swept the road this was
taken from for mines every morning. The road was dirt. One morning,
two of my men were injured by a command detonated mine. I called in a
dustoff, it came quickly. We had one man on and were loading the second on
a stretcher. We started taking in heavy small arms fire when the chopper unrepentantly
lifted off, dropping my soldier to the ground. I was upset to say the
least with the chopper pilot who I thought was a coward. He told me he's
come back when we suppressed the ambush. I called in for artillery to take
out the V.C. The arty would not fire because a village was behind the tree
line. We were all hunkered down behind our vehicles as we were still
drawing fire. I had a two recoilless rifles each mounted on a jeep.
We loaded them and fired on the graves because the V.C. were behind them.
To say the least we took two of them out. And got the enemy. While I
had to do that, I regret it to this day.
we went Mothers wanted to show us their babies and children.
I cannot
begin to tell you what this scene did for me. Please, read the "Final
Thoughts chapter. When folks saw my 40 year old pictures, they hugged,
kissed, and wanted to hold my hands. People are the same no matter where
you go. they want peace, what's best for their families. They want
to laugh, worship how they choose. We're all so much alike that war is
insane. This was a very moving and spiritual time for me. The
American Soldier got it right! We did win the "Hearts and Minds of
the People"
And, here is the last picture I took at
"The Bridge". These are the children and grandchildren of the
folks above. I was trying to take a picture of the bank on the other side
when they jumped into the picture. Thank God for the American Soldier.